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get data-image


You can review your data images by using the get command.


spawnctl get data-images
spawnctl get data-image <ImageName[:Tag]_Or_ImageID>


In this tutorial we will create a data image, then get the data image. We will then review the data image information.

As a prerequisite you should've followed the instructions to install spawnctl

  1. Create a file development.yaml with your data image specifications.

    sourceType: empty
    name: dev
    engine: postgresql
    version: 11.0

    In this case we want to create a PostgreSQL data image that is completely empty and is named dev.

  2. Run the following command to create a data image.

    $ spawnctl create data-image -f ./development.yaml
    Data image 'dev' (10001) created!
  3. You can verify your data image was properly created by running the following command.

    $ spawnctl get data-images
    ID Name Tags Engine Status CreatedAt Teams
    10001 dev PostgreSQL:11.0 Completed 3 hours ago spawn:team1

Extra information#

To see extra information on images, add the flag --output wide or use the alias -o.

$ spawnctl get data-images --output wide
ID Name Tags Engine SourceType Status CreatedAt Teams Owner Size
10001 dev PostgreSQL:11.0 empty Completed 3 hours ago spawn:team1 Jane Doe 29MB

Public images#

Spawn hides default public images once you have your own data images. You can show them again by passing the --public flag to the spawnctl get data-images command.